Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Week of Racing!

Big week this week, ran a "5K" on Tuesday, 2km of open water drowning tomorrow, and a sprint tri on Sunday.

The 5K went well, it's the 4th open 5k I've done and I set a new PB - 19:51. Unfortunately my GPS thinks it was 4.88km, so which makes it 4:05 pace or 20:25 for a full 5k (which is still a PB). It's also the first time I've had a good battle for the finish. In the final 500m or so there was a guy and a girl within about 20m ahead of me, and a woman just behind me (had been there for about the last k and sounded like she was suffering quite a bit!). As the two people in front were for me, I think I was the target for the woman behind: she made her push and drew up beside me but I was pretty sure she was pretty much spent. I'd paced myself well and felt like I had quite a bit left and made the push for the two in front. I got past the guy first, then slowly managed to draw in and get past the girl. With around 200m to go the guy caught up again so I gave my final kick and hammered home the finish, stronger than I ever have finished, and held the guy out by a few seconds. Good stuff! This 5K is quite a cool event, it's run by a pub down on the waterfront, costs $7 to enter and you get a free pint at the end! It's held every Tuesday evening and I think I'll look to do it a lot more frequently next year. It also draws decent field - around 130 people this week, and the winners are usually around the 16 minute mark (a bit more competitive than the first two 5k's I did where the fields were larger but I came in top 5 overall!).

I've really enjoyed the last 6 weeks or so, where I've made an effort to race in some way every week. I love competing, not that I'm highly competitive at the moment but it's a great excuse to push yourself and establish some performance benchmarks. Also, as a newbie to this game, regularly competing has been a good way to generally feel more comfortable and at ease in a race, to practice my rituals and find out what works and what doesn't. The way I see it, there's effectively free time available by executing a race well, from preparation to pacing, in similar manner to how in motorsport it can be easier get faster by making your driver faster than by trying to make the vehicle faster. In this case, my mind is the driver and my body the vehicle.

The 2k OWS I'm doing tomorrow is part of a series that runs every Thursday evening during summer; they offer 500m, 1000m, 1500m and 2000m distances every night. My first proper OWS was at this event in early December, I did the 500m in preparation for my first tri which was that Sunday. Since then I've been two other times, and stepped up the distance each time. This is the last event of the summer and it seems like it would be rude to not do the 2k! Last time when I did the 1500m it was a definite struggle: for me it's mostly a mental battle as there's just nothing to distract you from the fact that you're hundreds of metres out in the harbour, swimming a distance beyond what you've done before, that you've probably got another 20 minutes of work to go before you'll be on dry land again. Compounding that, time seems to pass agonisingly slowly, you feel very alone, and it feels like you never make any progress. I guess with time, as I continue to do more swims and become more confident in my ability I'll be able to relax a bit more and just get the job done, but I'm not there yet!

Finally, I thought I'd share this. Can you tell the difference between these two garments? One is a compression singlet, the other - my jammers.
Apparently I can't, because on Monday I went to the pool, got my concession card punched, went to get changed and discovered I had apparently chosen a compression singlet as the day's swimming attire. On further consideration I decided it might be a bit risqué, and decided to abandon the swim


  1. Gosh darn it, I love how many races or just plain ol' sports events you guys have in NZ. Too lucky.

    Canada never does anything as interesting as this (nor as frequently).

  2. Yeah it's pretty sweet :) I hope for next season I can plan a bit further ahead so I do some of the ones I haven't been able to this season, such as the numerous weekly swim-run events, and probably more adventure/off-road runs and multisport events.
